Premium Efficient Motors


TECO Westinghouse Motors


The motors provided with our high pressure coolant pump systems are usually TECO Westinghouse brand although we can source other brands and might do so on occasion to support competitive pricing and quicker lead times.   The most common motor configurations are the 1800 and 1200 RPM versions because those can be directly coupled to the coolant pump without concern for shaft alignment or belts/pulleys.


Some companies control the pump speed according to the tools requirement and thus minimize recirculate coolant which reduces coolant temperature and foam.  Most applications operate the pump at a fixed speed and any excess coolant bypasses via the pressure regulating valve, so as long as you size the pump and motor for your maximum flow rate you will be assured to maintain pressure for smaller tool/flow requirements.


Although some motors are rated for turndowns up to 1000:1, meaning they will not overheat when operated at 1/1000th of its maximum speed, they only provide constant torque within the 10:1 turndown ratio and thus that is the effective flow range at which you can expect to receive a constant pressure.


Standard Features (Motors: C-Face, Footed, 3 Phase and Footed, 3 Phase):
• Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC), continuous-duty, 230/460 V, 60 Hz, 3 phase, 1.15 S.F.
• Cast iron construction
• 10:1 rated motors are NEMA Premium Efficiency
• Class “F" insulation with Class “B" rise
• 50 Hz Data on Nameplate - 190/380V at 1.0 S.F.
• UL Recognized with CE mark on label.


We can supply hazardous duty motors, sometimes referred to as "explosion-proof", if necessary.